Cover All the Crucial Metrics in Your Analysis with the E-Com View Preset ๐Ÿ›’

Ads Manager 2.0 now has a default Column Preset for E-Commerce! ![E-Com View Column 1.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10523/inline-b092c96da8dde9e6f4a5ee92a66f9d5b.jpg) **E-com View** includes all the metrics crucial to an e-commerce business to help you see all sides of your performance before making decisions - minus the hassle of setting up such a comprehensive table from scratch. This will be the default view for all new e-commerce ad accounts. **To use the preset**, go to the Ads Manager 2.0 and select **E-com View** in the dropdown menu located above the data table: ![E-Com View Column 2.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10523/inline-fe8ea76ac42f32a88936f0c1371b9858.jpg) Once selected, the Ads Manager will then organize your data accordingly. ## WHAT ARE THE METRICS INCLUDED IN THE PRESET? The preset was created by Madgicx advertisers, who have handled multi-million dollar e-com ad accounts over the past years. And hereโ€™s how they break down the metrics: **1. Core Insights** are the metrics that show how cost-efficient your assets are * Budget * ROAS * Amount Spent * CPM **2. Creative Click-Throughs** let you compare the clicks on your ads with the clicks to your website, helping you answer the question: how far in the funnel can your ads take your audience? * CTR * Outbound CTR ***Tip:** having a high CTR but low Outbound CTR means that your creatives (or ad copy) can effectively catch attention but lack factors that can compel audiences to click through to your landing page (e.g., no clear call to action).* **3. General Funnel Metrics** are all the metrics that show your performance in each step of the typical funnel of an e-com business (from a link click to purchase). Here, you can instantly see which part of the funnel needs extra attention. * Link click * CPC * Add to Cart * Cost per Add to Cart * Purchases * Cost per purchase * Revenue **4. Frequency** can help you identify ad fatigue and decide when and when not to upscale the budget or continue running your creatives. **CAN I EDIT THE DEFAULT PRESET?** Yes, you can add and delete columns, move them around, or change the metric shown in any of the columns. But once you make any changes, it will automatically be considered a new preset, so make sure to save it. To do so, just click the **Save column preset** button next to the dropdown menu: ![E-Com View Column 3.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10523/inline-720ef0b93aea740481eb8b97c7344586.jpg) Youโ€™ll then be prompted to edit the name of the preset. Once done, just hit **Save**. You can **use any of your saved presets later** by selecting them from the same dropdown menu where the default preset is found.