NEW RELEASE: Auction Insights and Targeting Insights 🕵️‍♂️

At this point where advertisers are expected to measure almost everything, it’s easy to drown in all the available data and lose focus on what really matters. That’s why we’ve finally released the **2 TOOLS** that uncover all the key areas you should look at to maximize your performance data, firm up your daily decisions, and ultimately boost your advertising ROI. ## ABOUT THE TOOLS: **Auction Insights** and **Targeting Insights** help you analyze the areas in Facebook’s auction process and audience targeting that you simply cannot cover even after hours of sorting data in Ads Manager or Data Studio. You can find the tools in the Targeting section of the left-side menu, under Hidden Insights: ![1.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-a2f7a46e0d20972ea9c96bd543e91178.jpg) **Auction Insights** lets you view your ad spend and KPIs side-by-side to understand the impact different factors have on your results. **Auction Insights Features** **1. Campaign Type & Budget** Compare how well your assets perform (based on the metrics selected) under the two budget optimization options: ad set budget optimization (ABO) and campaign budget optimization (CBO). ![2.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-a02aed1fc45dabbb1514f18b70a0fee9.jpg) **2. Learning Phase** Should you be worried about your assets under the Learning or Learning Limited delivery status? This widget answers these questions for you and lets you see how the learning phase affects your KPIs. ![3.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-e8f2791c02dd9a2fc112e7653b7760b2.jpg) **3. Ad Delivery Optimization** Visualize how much you’ve spent and how your assets perform for each ad delivery optimization goal you use. ![4.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-187a76e35bae852096d52b3687817d5a.jpg) **4. Campaign Objective** See your budget allocation across all the campaign objectives you use and the corresponding performance of your assets under each objective. ![5.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-a5c57edfb80c8ff0af861b95db24047f.jpg) **5. Automatic Bid vs. Manual Bid** Compare your overall ad spend and performance between automatic and manual bidding to discover which is more effective for your ad account. This widget also makes it easy to see your most profitable bid type (cost cap, bid cap, etc.) based on your selected time frame and KPIs. ![6.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-ea8968c28cf1e0598081664f3717d1ae.jpg) **6. Ad Type** Identify which ad types work best for you at the moment. In this widget, you can compare your ad spend and performance among the ad types you use based on the time frame and KPIs you selected. ![7.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-4b8898b8bf564e03a3fbcbdfccd6ed4e.jpg) **7. Placement & Device** Analyze your performance across operating systems (iOS and Android), devices (desktop, mobile, or tablet), and placements (stories, feed, etc.). ![8.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-b9f9c49d16ec7ce4806c1cd655777dec.jpg) In the **Breakdown View** tab, you can further analyze how these factors, when put together, affect your results. ![9.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-94a8a8a79f443a798972ec0508ddd3c9.jpg) For instance, you can see your performance in the following combinations of device and placement as shown above: * Ads on the Instagram feed viewed on an iOS mobile device * Instream video ads on Facebook viewed on Android mobile device ***Note:** You should set up Madgicx Metrics to fully leverage this widget and view these breakdowns for revenue-related Facebook metrics.* **8. Ad Quality** Quickly assess how your performance is affected by ad quality ranking in terms of engagement, conversion, and quality. This can give you insights into the possible reasons some of your ads are underperforming (negative feedback, low-quality attributes, etc.). ![10.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-0f255f56ac18aaf95acc30f2bf9fe9f3.jpg) **Pro Tip:** Ad quality should only be used to indicate what you can improve in case your ads don’t perform well. “Low quality” ads can drive excellent results, so don’t worry about your quality if your ads work just fine. **9. Frequency Breakdown** This widget provides insights into how many people your ads reach and how many times they’ve seen them, so you can avoid ad and audience fatigue and find the right frequency for present and future campaigns. ![11.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-230b3747f797f9f41012c7364c6c1d94.jpg) **Targeting Insights** shows your audience data from different angles to ensure you cover all the critical aspects of targeting in your analysis and know your best audience types, landing page, audience size, and more. **Targeting Insights Features** **1. Targeting Insights Across the Full Funnel** Get a full-funnel overview of the audiences you target, along with your ad spend and KPIs for each funnel stage and audience type. ![12.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-f3c440f4990ebf6ec9ac74de17edf808.jpg) The **% of spend column** shows you how well your budgets are distributed across the funnel stages, so you can immediately answer questions like “am I spending enough on acquisition?” or “should I allocate some of the budget from one stage to another?” If you want to further dig into your audience data, just click the **Go to Full Funnel** button at the top of the table: ![13.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-98c981ebaaf0db8c7b75fd2703b412a8.jpg) The button will give you a complete view of your audience data where you can expand each audience type (e.g., Video Viewers) and deep-dive into the performance of individual audiences under it (e.g., Video Casuals): ![14.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-dd899d6da6bca3e02f55ca5b77214bcc.jpg) **2. Top Landing Pages** Identify the most profitable landing pages you should use for your next campaigns. This widget lets you see each landing page’s performance based on your selected metrics and time frame. ![15.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-4a6bfb81b9c6bf36572915255f9f3e1e.jpg) *(**Note:** some of the information in the image is hidden for data privacy.)* To see the complete list of your landing pages, just click the **All Landing Pages** button at the top of the table: ![16.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-7d20f9b6eba89857a5ce3fcfb3d4a308.jpg) The button will then take you to another page with all the landing pages you use and their corresponding performance: ![17.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-3b17893b5f86172aaf14c703b8856216.jpg) **3. Expand Interest & Lookalike Expansion** Facebook allows you to reach a broader audience either through its lookalike expansion option or detailed targeting expansion (e.g., reaching people beyond the interest selected). This widget takes that into account and segments your audience data into four types: * Audiences set with the lookalike **and** interest expansion turned on * Audiences set with only the lookalike expansion turned on * Audiences set with only the interest expansion turned on * Audiences that don’t fit either category ![18.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-e9ef6792f01ce83cfcd03e20a4093113.jpg) In this widget, you can see how much of your budget goes into each segment, the segment’s performance based on the KPI you selected, and the changes in your selected KPI (in percentage) from the previous to the current period. **4. Audience size & Potential reach** Identify your sweet spot when it comes to audience size and potential reach. The audience size is the number of people who fit the targeting settings, while the potential reach depends on the budget and other performance-related factors. This widget helps you decide how broad or narrow your targeting should be by giving insights into your performance per audience size. ![19.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-92aa3a8b40f63af06b2965050140ae13.jpg) **5. WiFi** Facebook allows advertisers to target people who are connected to WiFi specifically. Some believe that people connected to WiFi have more time since they may be sitting somewhere and aren't in a hurry, so they may have a higher chance to convert. Users who utilize this detailed targeting option can leverage this widget to understand whether specifically targeting WiFi improves their performance. In addition, users who never tested this targeting option would see it in this widget and may want to try it out. ![20.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-21fa7764b7ea08c428db618999207c78.jpg) **6. Visitor and Customer Modules** ![21.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/10891/inline-f6e08d14331c355d631b1947ed7fee1b.jpg) If you’re using Madgicx’s AI Audiences, the V**isitor Module and Customer Module widgets** segment your audiences’ performance data according to two variables: * Value (Silver, Gold, or Platinum) * Frequency (Infrequent, Occasional, or Frequent) This tool lets you view the performance of each of these AI audiences based on a selected KPI to understand which works best for you and whether you’ve covered all the audiences you should test. At the bottom of the widgets, you can see the two most profitable recency settings for your eRFM visitor audiences. In addition, the **Visitor Module** is further divided into two tabs so you can see the data of both middle- and high-intent audiences. **About the eRFM audiences:** These lookalike audiences are based on Facebook pixel data. They are built by segmenting website visitors according to Madgicx's eRFM model (engagement Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Value) and creating lookalikes based on these audience segments. This strategy helps advertisers target warmer audiences who have shown high intent of converting. **MAXIMIZE HIDDEN INSIGHTS:** Since delivery breakdowns are no longer available on Facebook and data reporting has become limited since the iOS 14 update, we highly recommend leveraging Madgicx Cloud Tracking and setting up Madgicx Metrics first so you can truly maximize the power of all the Hidden Insights tools. This will allow Madgicx to provide insights based on more accurate and reliable data (compared to data that only comes from the Facebook pixel).