Launching Your Best Ads Just Got Even Easier with Ad Launcher 🚀

We added more functionality to the Ad Launcher to pave the way for a smoother, faster launching process: 1 - When choosing ads to launch in the **Ads** tab, you can **use the new METRIC SELECTOR** to show the specific KPIs you want to check: ![Ad Launcher Updates 1.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/12995/inline-2a62d825ad9ad8165625c5fda5831307.jpg) 2 - The **AD PREVIEW** now shows the headline and CTA button of the ads so you can get a complete view of what the ad looks like on Facebook. In the **Ads tab**, hover over the ad you want to check and click on the **eye icon**: ![Ad Launcher Updates 2.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/12995/inline-c325a69e01fb1feb669c91a25b37f919.jpg) The preview of the ad will then show up: ![Ad Launcher Updates 3.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/12995/inline-ddfdf398c174ffbd7e93417976063f91.jpg) 3 - If you need to **get the POST ID** of an ad, you can do it from the tool with one click. Just go to the **Ads tab** and click the copy button at the bottom of the ad: ![Ad Launcher Updates 4.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/12995/inline-f98492f20224e6444ed66578839d05a2.jpg) 4 - Run your selected ads anytime you want. Once you’ve selected the ads you want to launch, click on the **Select existing ad sets** button at the top right corner of the screen: ![Ad Launcher Updates 5.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/12995/inline-771021c574dd9d6bc0d7976ffc93e225.jpg) On the next page, you’ll be able to select whether you want to launch the ads right away, at midnight, or at a specified time: ![Ad Launcher Updates 6.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/12995/inline-a35df40fbd403044128fb10f91a549c1.jpg)