See the Business Impact of Your Automation - Meet Your New Dashboard 🤩

Madgicx's **Automation Overview** now shows the purchases brought in and the budget saved by your automated rules! This makes it easier for you to assess the financial impact of your automated rules and how effective they are in optimizing your ad account. ![Automation Overview 1.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/13047/inline-8b5fec3a5ccfd33b8d0dc290235500ad.jpg) ## NAVIGATING THE NEW DASHBOARD When you go to **Automation Overview** through the left-side menu of the Madgicx app, you'll now be greeted with the **Actions Graph**. The widgets at the top show you a quick summary of your currently-active automated rules, including the no. of times they were triggered, the purchases they brought in, and the dollar amount saved: ![Automation Overview 2.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/13047/inline-deab0be7c5721f4df793eea0755399a6.jpg) **Note:** the default view shows the data within the past 7 days, but you can change the timeframe through the drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the page: ![Automation Overview 3.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/13047/inline-c66a5e4c210f5a35a41e5d7e1eb4bc10.jpg) Just below the widgets, you have the visual breakdown that shows when exactly the automated actions took place: ![Automation Overview 4.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/13047/inline-c9742c2e11fa4cbf87f2f350acef891a.jpg) This will help you gain insights into when the rules are usually triggered and identify the possible hours (or days) you can maximize or avoid when you launch your next campaigns. Lastly, below the graph, you can find the table that lists all the automated rules (tactics): ![Automation Overview 5.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/13047/inline-0f5c5b76ce0cbb236fd97fbb93c48347.jpg) This is where you can find more information on each automation tactic. * If you want to **turn an automation tactic on/off**, use the toggle button next to the tactic name * If you want to **view the list of assets to which the tactic is applied**, click the corresponding asset count in the **Automated Assets** column * If you want to **deep-dive into the history of a specific tactic**, click the three-dot icon in the rightmost column, and select **Changelog** ## SHARING AUTOMATED RULES You can share any of your tactics with another Madgicx user so that they can use it in their ad account. To do so, click the three-dot icon in the rightmost column of the table and select **Share**: ![Automation Overview 6.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/13047/inline-26557a5af248e15f7e4c9a0ccada590a.jpg) Then, copy the link that will appear in the pop-up window and send it to whoever you want to share the tactic with: ![Automation Overview 7.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/13047/inline-5135d3b25d347cfb2f380263bb79b7c6.jpg) The recipient should paste the link into their browser. This will automatically take them to Madgicx's Automation page, where they can turn the copied tactic on and start using it.