The future of media buying is here: Meet AI Marketer 🧞‍♂️

Madgicx's vision of one-click ad optimization has now turned into reality: AI Marketer is finally here! ## What is AI Marketer? ![AIM Sleekplan Post 1.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/16865/inline-0907975d1d694b434ae3c837bd750a87.jpg) AI Marketer is Madgicx’s newest tool that does exactly what you hire top media buyers for - maximizing your ROAS while you sit back and relax. Specifically, the tool: * Continuously audits your account to see what needs optimization * Tells you the exact actions to take next to improve your performance * Prepares everything you need to act on those recommendations And to execute the recommended actions, all you have to do is click **Launch**! ## Using the tool: You can find AI Marketer by clicking the **robot icon** in the left-side menu of the Madgicx app: ![AIM Sleekplan Post 2.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/16865/inline-8409d3b2a078bd10073b66c5ef85c140.jpg) **1. Check your recommendations** The first thing you'll see inside the tool is the recommendations AI Marketer has listed for you. These are the actions that the tool suggests you take next to optimize your performance based on its analysis of your current account data. ![AIM Sleekplan Post 3.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/16865/inline-e885b5e7bebb1dab2637ee8c6ccd609d.jpg) Recommendations may include (but are not limited to): * Launching audiences with great potential to convert * Setting up stop-loss automation for poor-performing assets * Increasing the budget for promising ads with insufficient spend **2. Launch or dismiss a recommendation** You can check the details of each recommendation by clicking the **"See details"** button. Here, you'll be able to get a brief explanation of why the action is recommended, along with the supporting data and specific assets involved in the action: ![AIM Sleekplan Post 4.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/16865/inline-8d5944625b467c4bc9cb7d4528f665c5.jpg) If you want to deploy the action, simply **click the blue button at the bottom right**. The recommended tasks you deploy will be automatically moved to the “Completed” tab. ![AIM Sleekplan Post 5.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/16865/inline-22deb7fde26e163184f9c6009f52c0a3.jpg) Note that some recommendations require you to take additional action before you can launch them (e.g., selecting assets to turn off). In such cases, simply follow the instructions indicated in the task and click the blue button when done: ![AIM Sleekplan Post 6.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/16865/inline-50c318b57777f2f6898086e0d7c0aa72.jpg) Also, if you want to change the settings before launching the task, you can do so by clicking the **Edit Settings** button next to **Launch**. On the other hand, if you want to dismiss the recommendation, you can **click the trash button at the top** to move the task to the “Dismissed” tab. ![AIM Sleekplan Post 7.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/16865/inline-f9684c20766a1c1925b2d155924fe4ec.jpg) When dismissing a task, you will be asked to provide the reason you chose to drop the recommendation. We highly suggest explaining it in detail to help the tool learn and improve its recommendations in the future: ![AIM Sleekplan Post 8.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/16865/inline-e852734e6c7b4447b3d1393e943892e9.jpg) **3. Send feedback** Since we value your feedback, you'll have the chance to rate each completed task through the star rating system found in the Completed tab. ![AIM Sleekplan Post 9.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/16865/inline-687c725885b47bb0005823ff4662e7a7.jpg) This will help us focus on the improvements YOU want to see in the tool, so it can better serve you and the rest of the Madgicx users.