📊 More metrics added to One-Click Report

We have added 14 more metrics to One-Click Report so you can get even deeper insight into your performance. ## Landing Page Views Number of times a person clicked on an ad link and successfully loaded the destination web page, Instant Experience, or Meta shop. ## Cost per Landing Page View See what the cost is for each view your landing page gets. ## Unique Landing Page Views Now you can see how many unique views the landing page gets. The metric counts Accounts Centre accounts (people, not actions) that visit your web page after clicking on the ad link that directs them to it. ## Mobile App Content Views The number of content views in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. This only counts views within your app. ## Website Content Views The number of view content events tracked by the pixel or Conversions API on your website and attributed to your ads. If you have a view content standard event implemented on your website, this metric counts when the Meta pixel or Conversions API tracks that event, attributed to your ads. Website content can be any picture, text, video, or other content that you define as to be tracked as the content event. ## Content Views The number of view content events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools. ## Messenger View Content See how many times your Messenger content has been viewed by Facebook users. ## Content Views Value Understand the total value generated from content views. It is calculated by multiplying the number of content views by the value of each view. ## Mobile Content Views The number of content views recorded from mobile and attributed to your ads. This metric counts both app views and other views made from mobile devices. ## Cost per Content View Understand the average cost per each content view. ## Cost Per Messenger View Content Understand the average cost you incurred for each Messenger view content. It is calculated by dividing the total amount spent on the ad by the number of Messenger view content. ## Cost per Mobile Content Views Understand how the average cost you incurred for each mobile content view. It is calculated by dividing the total amount spent on the ad by the number of mobile content views. ## Unique Website Content Views Now you can see how many unique content views your website gets. This metric shows the number of unique view content events tracked by the pixel or Conversions API on your website and attributed to your ads. ## Unique Content Views The estimated number of Accounts Centre accounts that viewed content. The metric counts Accounts Centre accounts, not actions.