Widget filters, new templates, and more One-Click Report updates ✨

One-Click Report is taking report customization to the next level! You can now filter your data on ANY widget using breakdowns (age, campaign type, gender, etc.) without affecting the rest of the data in the dashboard. Here’s Herman from the product team to show you how: [embed: https://youtu.be/UlIyDbTg5HQ] ## More updates to One-Click Report: **1. New Dashboard Templates** Easily track specific key areas of your ad strategy with the 4 new templates added to One-Click Report: Health Check of Ads Key Metrics, Know Your Audience, and more. ![Sleekplan - OCR New May 15 Releases - New Templates.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/21467/inline-1474f45cadf59474a6791d26bf477893.jpg) **2. Reauthenticate ad accounts without leaving Madgicx** When you need to reauthenticate to load some of the data on your dashboard, you now have to option to reauthenticate without switching between Madgicx and Facebook (or other channels) to fix the issue. ![Sleekplan - OCR New May 15 Releases - Reauthentication.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/21467/inline-30327f95b6f942d968b8090d60ddbaab.jpg) **3. Resizeable custom text widgets** Just drag the lower right corner of any of your custom text widgets to resize. ![Sleekplan - OCR New May 15 Releases - Custom text widget.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/21467/inline-1a272b914c628e4772d2e1490f480f48.jpg) **4. Select all ad accounts in one click** When selecting ad accounts for your blended metrics, you can simply check Select all accounts instead of ticking the ad accounts one by one. ![Sleekplan - OCR New May 15 Releases - Select All Ad Accounts.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/21467/inline-bf4f1b224df249747d6a26758f6dfbd6.jpg)