🐛 Bug Fixes - October 2021

✅ 44 bugs are fixed: * users are able to upload the gif images on the Landing Pages now; * the "invalid_grant" error is fixed for the special Google campaign launch; * the limit of 250 rules is no longer valid and users are able to create even more tactics; * the changed metrics is saved on the "Creative insights" page after switching pages or reloading page now; * the smart filter issue on the "Ads Manager 2.0" page; * the encoding company name was displayed on the "Editing tactic" page,; * the audience launcher failing after adding new feature; * the issue with the white label audience name; * ROAS issue on the "Creative insights" page; * the UI issue on the "Custom automation create" page; * the Google audience launching without the ads; * the empty Creative cluster; * issue with the "Cost per outbound click" metric on the "Custom Automation Creation" page; * audience creation module error; * the duplication ads error; * Issue with the CTR metric on the "Creative insights" page; * Issue with the blocked Fb and IG audiences; * Issue with the URL in the registering flow; * Issue with the "ROAS(Website)" metric; * the "Cost per Lead" indicator is displayed as default indicator on the "Autonomous budget scaling on the funnel stage level" tab for "Lead Generation" account type for now; * appearing bug after trying to launch the already existing combination of ad cope and creative; * issue with the tactic triggering; * issue with the saving tactic; * issue with the metrics on the "ABO Create" page that was appeared for the multiple users; * Specific user's issue: * with the DPA creatives is aggregating into one now; * preview for the ads is fixed; * wrong data on the Google dashboard is fixed; * specific metric issue in the PDF report is fixed; * the "Interest Targeting & Audience Mixes", when audience was already created but "Interest Targeting & Audience Mixes" audience was blocked for choosing; * the CTR metric issue on the "Creative insights" page; * the issue that was tagged the re-engagement audience as acquisition prospecting; * the metrics on the "Creative Insights" page; * the issue that was related to the displaying devices on the Fb Ads Manager; * the issue with the tactic triggering; * the issue with the audiences selection