Madgicx Metrics is a powerful integration of Google Analytics with the Madgicx Platform that allows you to collect better user tracking information and bypass the effects of the iOS14 update. Connect your Madgicx account to Madgicx Metrics to get more accurate data and better insights.
With the new updates, you can:
Use goals from Google Analytics in Madgicx
Use Breakdowns by Country, Device, and Placement using Madgicx Metrics data in the Ads Manager 2.0
In addition, we added a few improvements:
The old metric selectors in automation strategies have been replaced with a new insight selector (now you can use Madgicx Metrics!)
We have removed a part of the previous logic related to metrics in automation (now you can change the list of available metrics much easier than before!)
We have added a "read-only" state for default UTMs (you still can edit the UTM if you are creator)
Now it's possible to enable and disable applying of UTM to all future ads launch using Madgicx
Many more minor fixes