Target Audiences Based on GDP + More Detailed Performance Data!

When launching campaigns from the Audience Launcher, the location widget on the setup page will now show you each country’s **GDP per capita**: ![1.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/9511/inline-6afe7a0ad4f8e02f7ff47247655eacdd.jpg) The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is a key metric that can instantly give you insights into an audience’s purchasing power. With such information at your disposal, you no longer need to compile and compare data between dozens of countries just to filter the top 5-10 countries where you can potentially expand. Note that you can find the same information in the **Geo & Demo Insights** tool. **Also, in the same location widget, you can now:** **1. Change the metrics you want to see** Select the metric you want to show from the drop-down menu in the column title. ![2.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/9511/inline-26f2493c3797a38568addf8064e2eb30.jpg) **2. Filter locations using minimum/maximum values** First, select the metric that you want to filter by (e.g., Revenue(website)): ![3.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/9511/inline-4037d8661ed9561c295bcb5dbee65f72.jpg) Then, input the minimum and the maximum value to filter the data accordingly (e.g., minimum revenue of $500). ![4.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/9511/inline-67baa64f452cd6389058ea90ce0f304f.jpg) **3. Expand or narrow down the time frame** To choose the appropriate time window for your data, you can click the **calendar icon** in the top right corner of the table. ![5.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/9511/inline-797ab2291fd8a731a94a5f8254390f9b.jpg) A window will appear where you can select the date or period you want. Once selected, just click **Update**, and the table will change the presented data accordingly. ![6.png](BASE/products/737559414/changelog/9511/inline-17dcc4a37d0326c22608432966750013.jpg)