We know that KPI values differ from one Facebook ad account to another. And since ad performance might be volatile, it’s often hard to define “good” and “bad” performance - even in your own account.
That’s why we have added a new feature to our Custom Automation, allowing you to set up automated rules based on the real-time performance of your highest- and lowest-performing assets! 📊
How does it work?
When creating a new custom automated rule, you can now select to apply the rule if the asset “Is within” or “Is not within” your top or bottom assets.
For example, you can create a custom Stop Loss automation that would pause your ad set if it spent $500 in the past three days, but its ROAS is within your ten worst-performing ad sets.
Note that you should tick “Include zero values” if you want to include ad sets with a ROAS of 0 in your calculation.
Alternatively, you can create an automated Surf rule that would scale your ad set budget if your ad set’s ROAS is within your top 10% high-performers and it generated at least five website purchases in the past three days.
In this case, you might want to leave zero values out to ensure you’re getting the top 10% ad sets among those that drive revenue.
These were only two use cases. Now it’s your turn to play with this new feature and build automated rules that fit YOUR needs.