It would be great if we have this option, as users currently have to go to Meta and edit the ad after creating and launching it from Madgicx.
changed description "This user is requesting for it: he said It would be great if we have this option, as users currently have to go to Meta and edit the ad after creating and launching it would be great if we have it as he had to go to meta and edit the ad when he created and launched it from Madgicx "
changed description "This user is requesting for it: It would be great if we have this option, as users currently have to go to Meta and edit the ad after creating and launching it from Madgicx. "
changed description "This user is requesting for it:
hesaidIt would be great if we have this option, as users currently have to go to Meta and edit the ad after creating and launching itwouldbegreatifwehaveitashehadtogotometaandedittheadwhenhecreatedandlauncheditfromMadgicx"changed description "
Thisuserisrequestingforit: would be great if we have this option, as users currently have to go to Meta and edit the ad after creating and launching it from Madgicx. "