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We had a case of a media buyer working for the owner of the account. He was managing the account directly from Madgicx only, so he had no access to his client's native FB ads manager. Due to this, he had no way to check if the assets he launched from Madgicx has been created successfully. In such cases, it may be beneficial to show brand new assets that haven't delivered on Ads Manager 2.0.
changed title "
showShow brand new assets that haven't delivered ontheadsmanagerAds Manager 2.0 "description "TheuserWe had a case of a media buyer working for the owner of the account. He was managing the account directly from Madgicx only, so he had no access to his client's native FB ads manager. Due to this, he had no way to check if the assets he launched from Madgicx has been created successfully. In such cases, it may be beneficial to show brand new assets that haven't delivered onthischatisamediabuyerworkingfortheowneroftheaccount.HeisbasicallymanagingtheaccountdirectlyfromMadgicxonlysohehasnoaccesstohisclient'snativeFBadsmanager.Duetothis,hehasnowaytocheckiftheassetshelaunchedfromMadgicxhasbeencreatedsuccessfully.IsubmittedthisfeaturerequestasIthinkit'sagoodfeaturetohaveaswell."