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Request adjusted by Yahav to appear on the new Madgicx homepage.
Original request:
Make a history of changes in the Ads Manager 2.0 like which specific user changed a specific adset. e.g., adset was turned off by John Smith.
It will be also great we can have history of changes same as in Facebook.
changed description "Request adjusted by Yahav to appear on the new Madgicx homepage. Original request:
UserisrequestingifMake a history of changes in the Ads Manager 2.0 like which specific user changed a specific adset. e.g., adset was turned off by John Smith. It will be also great we canmakeahistoryofchangeslikewhichspecificuserchangedaspecificadset.E.gadsetwasturnedofbyJohnSmith.Itwillbealsogreatwecanhave history of changes same as in Facebook.MadgicxField-PLEASEPICKONE!:AdsManager2.0IssueCategory:EnhancementSummary(ShortDescription):Userisrequestingifwecanmakeahistoryofchangeslikewhichspecificuserchangedaspecificadset.E.gadsetwasturnedofbyJohnSmith.UserID:232245ReportedBy:ShahaniSedik"